Home of Madison Babe Ruth Baseball Association                                       Madison, Alabama





Frequently Asked Questions pertaining to Madison Babe Ruth Baseball



Frequently Asked Questions pertaining to Madison Babe Ruth Baseball


Q - What age player is eligible to play Babe Ruth Baseball in Madison?
A - There are 2 leagues. A Prep-13 League for 13 year olds only, and a 14-15 League for players 14-15 years old. 


Q - What is the difference between MBA Dixie Youth and the Prep-13 League?
A - Prep-13 play on a full size field. The base paths are 90 feet compared to 60 feet in Dixie Youth. The pitchers rubber is 60 feet compared to 46 feet in Dixie Youth. Players are permitted to wear steal cleats.


Q - My son will be trying out for school baseball, can he still play Babe Ruth?
A - Yes. The Babe Ruth season begins after school baseball is complete. Babe Ruth practices begin for those players not playing school ball and the school ball players join the team when school ball is over. They are not permitted to practice with their team until their school team responsibility is complete.


Q - When do practices begin?
A - Practices are tentatively scheduled to begin April 1st.


Q - When do the season games begin?
A - Games are tentatively scheduled to begin May 4th.


Q - How long is the season?
A - The season runs about 6 weeks for regular season and 1 additional week for the post season tournament.



© 2001 Madison Babe Ruth Baseball Association